Child sexual exploitation

The Way Forward for Rotherham – Child Sexual Exploitation Strategy 2015–2018

Following wide-ranging consultation with victims, survivors, public and professionals, Rotherham LSCB has published its new CSE Strategy, ‘The Way Forward for Rotherham’.

Advice and guidance

To help practitioners and volunteers who work with young people and families affected by child sexual exploitation to practice in a safe, confident way, we have also developed a CSE screening toolkit and guidance.

There are also specific documents and leaflets with advice and guidance for practitioners, young people and families.

Rotherham Multi Agency Risk Management Panel (MARP) – Terms of Reference



If you want to know more about child sexual exploitation, free e-learning courses are available for parents, carers and professionals.

You will learn more about:

  • What is child sexual exploitation
  • Spotting the signs and indicators of risk
  • The impact that child sexual exploitation can have on families
  • Knowing what to do if they are concerned a child or young person may be at risk

These free on-line learning courses are provided by the Virtual College – Safeguarding Children e-Academy in association with Parents Against Child Sexual Exploitation (Pace) and Child Exploitation and Online Protection (Ceop).